Books on Health

  • Dr. Mom's Healthy Living
  • Transfiguration Diet
  • The School of Natural Healing

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Alternative Health

I have created this blog to monitor day by day what it will be like to have my husband John go through a total health transformation.

At this point, his quality of life is downright bad. It has been since 1991, when he first found out he was a diabetic. That was manageable. All he had to do was monitor his diet and take a pill. That seemed easy enough.

Then, in 1992, John was in a truck accident ( a Semi). He herniated a few disks, and his backside was like hamburger.

Through rehab he was able to walk again and was just getting back into the routine at work (by now it is the end of 1993), when he found that just walking a few yards, he was totally out of breath. Doctors told him it was asthma. He took inhalers. That didn't work. By March 1994 he could barely walk a few feet without getting out of breath. It was then our family doctor told him to immediately go to the Hospital. They admitted him. They pumped 14 lbs of liquid from his lungs. He was told he had Congested Heart Failure. His heart was only at 10%. They gave him a year to live.

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