Books on Health

  • Dr. Mom's Healthy Living
  • Transfiguration Diet
  • The School of Natural Healing

Friday, July 17, 2009

We all ready behind the game

John will be starting his program tomorrow. He had dialysis today. It was really important for him to be dialyzed for the full length of time. Well, it didn't happen. He asked to be pulled off an hour early.
So what do the nurses tell him as he is walking out the door, "Watch your fluid intake this weekend, John, OK?"

I had him start taking capsules to help support his kidneys. He started that Wednesday night. I have also had a bunch of capsules made that he is going to take to feed the different organs and systems in the body: Colon, kidneys, heart, blood, circulation. I also made a formula to help him assimilate calcium better.

I am going to the store this afternoon to gather all the rest of my supplies I will need. Flannel, mattress cover, extra sheets, the different oils I will need and whatever else I can think of.

I told John that I will take him to any restaurant he wants tonight. He has chosen Olive Garden. He pigged out on pizza earlier this week. He has been able to enjoy a few other foods that he will not be able to eat after this starts.

He mentioned to me this morning that he is ready to do this. His biggest motivators are to lose weight and be pain free. He is excited for the fact that he may be able to drive again and be more mobile. So wish me luck, but more importantly pray for us as this is will be a start of a new life for John.

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