Books on Health

  • Dr. Mom's Healthy Living
  • Transfiguration Diet
  • The School of Natural Healing

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

4 days done already

John has done 4 days already. It has been tough. He has been weak. He has pooped his brains out. Though he has plenty more to go. I will eventually write down day to day exactness. But for now I want to say that this is not easy. I knew it wouldn't be. John has said quite a few times that he doesn't know if he can do this. He has been weak, out of breath, hot, cold, nauseous, afraid, anxious, sweaty, and more. I have been frustrated, tired, irritable, and also sure of myself that I am doing the right thing. So far the thing he hates the most is the cold shower. Dang, I would too. He has been really good about resisting foods that has been offered to him. Though he keeps asking me if he can have this food or that food. He also is asking me for this or that every 2 seconds. "Help me" is probably the 2 words I hate the most. He says that more times than I can count. What I don't mind is giving him pep talks. I have been kind of hard on him when he starts whining and complaining but he has to know that it will all turn out. Any improvements will be better than what he is going through now. He can't do anything for himself. So I just keep reminding him that he will be in much better health than he is now.

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