Books on Health

  • Dr. Mom's Healthy Living
  • Transfiguration Diet
  • The School of Natural Healing

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Well, It is time to let you all know what has been happening since August.

We are in the maintaining phase of the diet. John has been eating pineapple, beans, sesame seeds, pecans, oatmeal, salads, rice with tomato sauce and onions garlic and seasonings, an occasional bean and rice burrito. Snacks include pineapple, popcorn, seeds. When we eat out, we go to Mongolian Grill, Wendy's (baked potato), Taco Del Mar for the bean and rice burrito. I took him to a Mexican restaurant for his birthday.

He has lost 60 lbs.
His blood sugar has been pretty normal
His blood pressure is lower
He consumes less liquid
He doesn't eat salt
Taking less medicine
He started working out last Thursday


  • Developed a tic with his tongue. ( it has actually gotten better now that he is off Rispiridol)
  • While he is breathing- he is making a "hmm" sound
  • He still doesn't have control of his bowels so now that his bowel movements are normal which is a good thing- he has a bowel movement at least 6 times a day. 2 real heavy ones and the rest smaller. It keeps giving him a rash. At least several times a week, it makes a mess on the floor' and more often than that- all over his clothes. It has put a heavier burden on our two sons.
  • John still has no personal will power. If I am not constantly monitoring or watching him, then he gets into foods that he wants. Luckily it has not happened but a few times. Last night was the most recent. After I had gone to bed, he had gotten into a deli sandwich. I caught him before he actually took a bite.
  • I can't get him to chew his food thoroughly enough, so it comes out the other end whole. He doesn't have all of his teeth, so I don't know how to solve this problem.
The last couple of weeks, his sugars have been bouncing a little so he has had more pain in his feet. They have been running around 150. Once they were 197 and Friday, they were 220. I have been giving him extra Diabete Tea Extract and that has been helping. We have had sickness in the household all last week. My 15 year old ended up having the Swine Flu. John hasn't gotten it so far, I hope it stays that way. I think he did get a touch of the flu, because yesterday he had diarrhea. No fever though. I have been treating Troy with my Colds/flu preventative and giving John Antibio formula. I have even taken both of those formulas so I don't get sick.

I hope to have pictures and videos up soon, especially now that he is starting to work out. He goes two days a week for about an hour. Last Thursday he walked up and odown the mat (30ft) 4 times and use a 5 lb dumbell for his arms. He was tired. I am not sure how much that played a role in him not feeling well yesterday. We will see.

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